Friday, November 12, 2010

We the People...

After reading your commentary, “Freedom of speech: Does the constitution come with disclaimers?” found at, pertaining to Westboro Baptist Church and their recent protests at certain military funeral services, I have to agree, to a degree, with you that “As vulgar as this group’s actions are to me, I have to stand by their right to perform them.”

It is a breeze to back free speech we are in agreement with, what puts our support in the First Amendment to the test is when we disagree with what is being said.

With people and organizations, like Westboro Baptist Church, claiming to be “Christians,” it’s no wonder that my true brothers and sisters who have been converted unto Christ are gazed upon and talked about as though we are ordinary people along with the rest of the world. Followers of Christ would never protest at any funeral service because the deceased chose to live a lifestyle other than instructed by God and especially not at a funeral service for one who has served in the military, risking their life to ensure we keep our freedoms, including freedom of speech.

With that being said though, it is a right granted to all citizens of this country and if the Supreme Court rules unfavorably for Westboro Baptist Church in the recently introduced case, I am weighing the impact of a ruling that may place certain restrictions on free speech. If the court places boundaries on free speech directed at individuals, exactly what would that mean? How could placing restrictions on speech work with our government? The court's decision has the possibility to grant relief for countless military families as they burry their loved ones and creating long-term problems for the multitude. Although it ills me to say this because of the nature of what Westboro Baptist Church has done, if the government continues to make amendments to already established laws, in order that certain individuals are not the victims of others who are protected by those same rights, our country’s backbone will eventually break.

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