Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God? Bless America... Please?

When the top headline article reads: “Kim Kardashian Spends $2 Million on Red Carpet Attire,” while amidst a recession, you know there’s something seriously wrong with the United States and how we are running our government. America has lost it’s focus and moved so far from the core principles in which it was founded that we’re now wearing bifocal lenses with a slight stigmatism in our right eye.

The vast array of “issues” America has faced in the past decade alone probably has our forefathers rolling over in their graves from embarrassment. Let’s start with the church in American, it has become such a joke these days to be called a Christian that Christians themselves have lost a firm sense of the title. With so many “new age” religions popping up all over American soil, it’s no wonder we are accepting of a mosque to be built at ground zero to honor seventy-two individuals who transcend from the same religion of the very terrorists that attacked us, never mind the thousands of American born citizens who lost their lives at the hands of those who practice Muslamic faith. And what about our new desire to be “environmentally friendly?” I remember my mother saying to my sister and I when we were little girls, “Don’t make a mess now that you’ll regret cleaning up later.” We are our environment’s own worst enemy and now we’ve launched this massive campaign to “clean up” what we, ourselves, “messed up.” We’ve created a new sport in American called “Fornication and Adultery,” where it’s okay for under age, unwed boys and girls to sleep around passing on as many sexually transmitted diseases as possible. The sad twist to the sport is that the country with the highest STD's transmitted within it’s population loses. Guess who’s soaring towards first place? We will forever be indebted to China, with more than a fifty-nine trillion dollar deficit bill that’s way past due! Yet if we combined the assets of America’s three wealthiest people, we would have enough to excel the gross domestic products of the world’s forty-eight poorest countries. Sadly, not only have we accumulated enough debt to empty our own pockets, but the pockets of our children, grand children and great grandchildren. The “inheritance” we’re leaving our loved ones is sickening. Our quest to save every endangered species is absurd when over forty million babies have been aborted on American soil. And of the children who are given the chance to live, nearly sixty million are survivors of either physical or sexual childhood abuse. Is it a wonder that of a recently examined thirty-six nations reviewed, the United States ranked twentieth in education? It’s time to worry folks when we are looking at Finland and South Korea for examples of core education standards. Maybe we should look towards them for marital advice as well, seeing how we have become so accepting of same sex marriages and how they rank thirty-second and thirty-fifth, in the same study, in nations with same sex couples, while we rank fourth. Trust me, it’s nothing to be proud of!

Why am I bringing all this up? Well one, it was a required assignment given by my Government Instructor and two, I’m honestly in fear of the “America” that my six year old, three year old and four month old are facing when they become young adults. Where do we begin, how do we fix this mess we’ve created? As a true follower of Christ, I can only lean on my Father’s advice given to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14, Americans must “humble themselves, pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.”

You might not like what I’ve said or the manner in which I’ve said it. You ask, how can an American born, highly patriotic citizen of this country say such degrading things about the government of the United States? Well, because as with all other things that America “allows,” it is my given right to freely express myself.


Anonymous said...

А! C'était vraiment intéressant. Je l'ai aimé la lecture

Megan Lucero said...

In my classmate A. Wyndham's blog American Pie, She describes te disturbing facts about issues Ameica is facing today. The aridcle is called "God? Bless America...Please?" Wyndam writes about several problems including the environment, unwed boys and girls sleeping around, STDs, the National debt, abortion, and education to name a few. The article begins with how Christians have lost a firm sense of the title Christian. Reading the title of this article, I already knew religion would be a basis of the article. Wyndham ends the article with a biblical quote from 2 Chroncles 7:14, Americans must "humble themselves, Pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, orgive our sins and heal ou land." I appreciate Wyndham's religious views and her taking advantage of her first ammendment rights. I admire her acknowledgement of God and the lack of him in our society. She mentioned that our forefather's are probably rolling around in their grave for us ignoring the knowledge that they tried to pass down to us.