Friday, December 10, 2010

Something To Think About...

When I stumbled upon my classmate’s blog “Your Right to be Gay,” I was itching inside at the opportunity to rebut what I knew was going to be a commentary on how “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” should be removed as a standard in our U.S. military. Being a Christian and feeling strongly against homosexuality, I couldn’t wait to compose a response… BUT… after reading my colleagues well written article, I actually have to agree, “WHO CARES?”

This statement is in no way my confession that I have had a change of heart on my views about homosexuality, but in agreement with my cohort, an individual’s sexual preference is not of great concern to me when we are talking about a person who is risking their life to protect the citizens, freedoms and rights of this country. As long as military personnel are not infringing their preferences on others, in a plot to change someone else’s sexual preference, I could care less if that individual is gay or straight.

Let’s put it in a different perspective. Let’s say you’re making a late night stop at a convenient store and all of a sudden you are being held at gunpoint because some creep wants to get his hands on the eighty bucks in the cash register. An outsider witnesses the attempt and calls 911. Officer “Joe Blow,” is first on the scene. He quietly sneaks in through the store’s back entrance that was left unlock once the floor clerk realized what was taking place in front and took off. Crouching very low to the floor, gun drawn and ready, Officer Blow knows he only has one chance at taking control of the situation without innocent people being harmed or killed. He slowly raises from the floor, aims his gun carefully at the robber’s hand which contains the gun that is conveniently pointed at your temple, as to not kill the suspect, but to merely wound him. Officer Blow takes the shot, blasting the gun from the robber’s hand who then falls to the floor in agony. You cry tears of joy knowing your life and the life of the cashier clerk have been spared as Officer Blow cuffs the injured suspect. You thank Officer Blow profusely and applaud how he handled the situation. At an award ceremony to recognize Officer Blow’s bravery and skill, who other than his life long partner “John Doe,” to be the first to congratulate him as he receives his award… So, after all this can you actually say that Officer Blow’s sexual preference made a difference in the way he performed his job, not to mention that he possibly saved your life and the lives of others?

Something to think about…

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God? Bless America... Please?

When the top headline article reads: “Kim Kardashian Spends $2 Million on Red Carpet Attire,” while amidst a recession, you know there’s something seriously wrong with the United States and how we are running our government. America has lost it’s focus and moved so far from the core principles in which it was founded that we’re now wearing bifocal lenses with a slight stigmatism in our right eye.

The vast array of “issues” America has faced in the past decade alone probably has our forefathers rolling over in their graves from embarrassment. Let’s start with the church in American, it has become such a joke these days to be called a Christian that Christians themselves have lost a firm sense of the title. With so many “new age” religions popping up all over American soil, it’s no wonder we are accepting of a mosque to be built at ground zero to honor seventy-two individuals who transcend from the same religion of the very terrorists that attacked us, never mind the thousands of American born citizens who lost their lives at the hands of those who practice Muslamic faith. And what about our new desire to be “environmentally friendly?” I remember my mother saying to my sister and I when we were little girls, “Don’t make a mess now that you’ll regret cleaning up later.” We are our environment’s own worst enemy and now we’ve launched this massive campaign to “clean up” what we, ourselves, “messed up.” We’ve created a new sport in American called “Fornication and Adultery,” where it’s okay for under age, unwed boys and girls to sleep around passing on as many sexually transmitted diseases as possible. The sad twist to the sport is that the country with the highest STD's transmitted within it’s population loses. Guess who’s soaring towards first place? We will forever be indebted to China, with more than a fifty-nine trillion dollar deficit bill that’s way past due! Yet if we combined the assets of America’s three wealthiest people, we would have enough to excel the gross domestic products of the world’s forty-eight poorest countries. Sadly, not only have we accumulated enough debt to empty our own pockets, but the pockets of our children, grand children and great grandchildren. The “inheritance” we’re leaving our loved ones is sickening. Our quest to save every endangered species is absurd when over forty million babies have been aborted on American soil. And of the children who are given the chance to live, nearly sixty million are survivors of either physical or sexual childhood abuse. Is it a wonder that of a recently examined thirty-six nations reviewed, the United States ranked twentieth in education? It’s time to worry folks when we are looking at Finland and South Korea for examples of core education standards. Maybe we should look towards them for marital advice as well, seeing how we have become so accepting of same sex marriages and how they rank thirty-second and thirty-fifth, in the same study, in nations with same sex couples, while we rank fourth. Trust me, it’s nothing to be proud of!

Why am I bringing all this up? Well one, it was a required assignment given by my Government Instructor and two, I’m honestly in fear of the “America” that my six year old, three year old and four month old are facing when they become young adults. Where do we begin, how do we fix this mess we’ve created? As a true follower of Christ, I can only lean on my Father’s advice given to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14, Americans must “humble themselves, pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.”

You might not like what I’ve said or the manner in which I’ve said it. You ask, how can an American born, highly patriotic citizen of this country say such degrading things about the government of the United States? Well, because as with all other things that America “allows,” it is my given right to freely express myself.

Friday, November 12, 2010

We the People...

After reading your commentary, “Freedom of speech: Does the constitution come with disclaimers?” found at, pertaining to Westboro Baptist Church and their recent protests at certain military funeral services, I have to agree, to a degree, with you that “As vulgar as this group’s actions are to me, I have to stand by their right to perform them.”

It is a breeze to back free speech we are in agreement with, what puts our support in the First Amendment to the test is when we disagree with what is being said.

With people and organizations, like Westboro Baptist Church, claiming to be “Christians,” it’s no wonder that my true brothers and sisters who have been converted unto Christ are gazed upon and talked about as though we are ordinary people along with the rest of the world. Followers of Christ would never protest at any funeral service because the deceased chose to live a lifestyle other than instructed by God and especially not at a funeral service for one who has served in the military, risking their life to ensure we keep our freedoms, including freedom of speech.

With that being said though, it is a right granted to all citizens of this country and if the Supreme Court rules unfavorably for Westboro Baptist Church in the recently introduced case, I am weighing the impact of a ruling that may place certain restrictions on free speech. If the court places boundaries on free speech directed at individuals, exactly what would that mean? How could placing restrictions on speech work with our government? The court's decision has the possibility to grant relief for countless military families as they burry their loved ones and creating long-term problems for the multitude. Although it ills me to say this because of the nature of what Westboro Baptist Church has done, if the government continues to make amendments to already established laws, in order that certain individuals are not the victims of others who are protected by those same rights, our country’s backbone will eventually break.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Alright Candidates, Listen Up!!!!

I would like to send a message to local, regional, state-wide and national candidates running in the current elections: I am voting for the candidate who has not made it their mission to rip apart their opponent through nasty print, radio or television ad campaigns.

Seriously, enough is enough!

The ads darting around this election season are nauseating. There is never a logical reason presented to back any candidate. We are only combated with reasons to vote opposite the opposing rival. To say it mildly, most of the details in those ads tend to be exaggerating the truth somewhat, but seemingly that is okay.

Since when are candidates apprehensive to scream what they believe in and why can’t they allow the voters to determine if those are beliefs worth backing? Why is the "conventional wisdom" that the single method to acquire votes is to toss more mud at your adversary than they toss at you?

Because of the manner in which candidates campaign nowadays, it is much harder, if not implausible to establish beneficial reasons to vote FOR somebody. Because of the manner in which they campaign, one cannot help but sense that they are voting for the lesser of the evils scrambling for each position.

Here’s the commercial scene lately… “The television screen fades up from black. The picture of the candidate opposing the commercial's sponsor slowly materializes as a timeline starts to crawl across her face from left to right and a sinister voice says: "Tweedle Dee. Her history of corruption started in kindergarten when she stole stickers from Peppermint Patty. Next came middle school and a trip to the principal's office for her part in bleaching Betty Boop’s gym shorts. Onto high school where she served in-school suspension for engaging in 'Senior Skip Day' and finally, the most shocking of all: a 'D' in college bowling. Is that really who you want representing you, America? Tweedle Dee, wrong for all the right reasons. This ad paid for by Tweedle Dum."

I am not here to advocate on behalf of a certain candidate or party. It is up to every voter to become as informed as possible and confidently select the candidate or issues we feel are right, just and the best option. Communities are only as strong as their leaders, workforce and school systems and it is important to have elected officials who will advocate for the less fortunate and the underprivileged and to instill and enact standards of safety, security, morality, humanity and societal betterment overall. If people running for an office have made it their lot in life to build themselves up by shamelessly and underhandedly ripping someone else down, how much integrity do they really have and how would that effect the people for which you are campaigning to govern?

Alright candidates, listen up, this is the 21st century and many of us out here actually have working brains. How about telling us, in those precious 30 seconds, what you stand for why you think you should be elected or re-elected? Why should we vote for you? What is the greatest thing about you? How can you drive the economy and generate jobs? What new concepts do you have to offer and how would you plan to serve with the contending party for the benefit of our people? If you are an incumbent, what have you accomplished throughout your tenure? How did you contribute to advance us forward? What was your justification for the way you voted on various legislation? Can't do this in a short television ad? Maybe not, but it would be an excellent attempt to try to say something that had any type of meaning.

Here’s the truth, many voters, like myself, are thankful for TiVo and DVRs, because as you spend all that money showing tired ads over and over again it is being fast forwarded through, every time. Try generating reasons of why you SHOULD get my vote.

My name is Anita Wyndham and I approved this message!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Columbus, A Man of His Time

On October 12th, every year, distinct intellectuals as well as pundits surface to ridicule the remembrance of Christopher Columbus, the Genoese helmsman and explorer. There were indeed numerous instances for which Christoffa Corombo, as he was recognized as in his home-town of Genoa, could be disparaged for. He never reached China. He acrimoniously miscalculated the configuration of the Earth, and other fiascoes can be included.

Obviously, these are not the aberrations for which what the contemporary pundits admonish Columbus. Columbus had been indeed an imperialist as well he facilitated genocide. He could have easily been labeled as a tyrant! Or ergo, they argue. Matthew Yglesias, renowned editor and writer who also holds a BA in Philosophy from Harvard University, seems to not care one way or the other, but states in his blog, Reconsidering Columbus Day (Or Not) found at that “unlike in some countries he’s visited recently, it’s perfectly possible to probe an American about his political views without being treated to a lengthy ax-grinding historical narrative.”

Matthew’s stance is indeed concrete, he respects Columbus’ bravery however does not dismiss his immoralities nor the immoralities of his era. Columbus’ bravery nor his downfalls do anything whatsoever to rationalize Vietnam or Hiroshima or any other infractions or offenses of our time.

What is crazy and candidly preposterous is that numerous journalists, similar to the ones who constructed the Reconsider Columbus Day clip, elect to disregard tabulated context. Columbus existed not as a man of our era so to adjudicate him by today's prototypes is outrageous.

What Columbus had been, was a man of his period. His perspective had not been explicitly dissimilar from that of many 15th century helmsmen, businessmen and commanders. Enslavement was an antiquated conventionality, consented by the Bible. Of course, Columbus would see the Native Americans as possible slaves. In addition, Columbus had been an imperialist. He had been aided by Spain. What else could he be? Columbus’ treatment of the Native Americans had not been substantially worse than the treatment of Europeans by fellow Europeans of that era. Columbus navigated the waters in 1492. The Spanish Inquisition, which began its existence in 1478, was heightened following the royal legislates also established in 1492. Abundant scribes chastise Columbus’ murdering of Native Americans in Santo Domingo while overlooking the auto de fes at Seville. A past without context is candidly eccentricity.

Columbus existed as what he was, a navigator and helmsman of the 15th century. We should accept from history the lessons of courageousness as well as corrosiveness. To idolize the former is not to affirm the latter.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just the FOX, man... Just the facts!

Sheldon Alberts makes his argument, in his recently written article “Obama’s World – Glenn Beck, bad. Keith Olbermann, good,” found on, that “Obama only deemed FOX News as “destructive” when the opinions being expressed ran counter to his own.” Alberts article seems to be directed towards a more right-winged audience. If Alberts wants to draw a more diverse audience as well show some validity to his argument he needs to provide his readers with more factual evidence that shows on one hand how President Obama may be unfavorable of the way FOX News, who has been known to express a more Republican point of view, is exercising their First Amendment rights and on the other hand provides proof that other news outlets express a more Liberal or Democratic point of view. Providing more factual evidence might sway Alberts’ readers towards his argument that Obama had a “disapproving tone” against FOX News when he gave his interview to Rolling Stone Magazine.

It is no secret that Alberts himself expresses a more right-wing point of view. With recent articles written in The National Post such as, “Obama needs rescue from ‘Recovery Summer” and “Carville shows he can annoy Democrat presidents too,” Alberts makes it clear his political ideologies and how he feels about President Obama.

Alberts basic argument is that President Obama made his comment about Fox News only because of his disapproval of the news outlet’s history of reporting views that are biased to the Republican Party. Fox News is very blunt about their stance and has often made direct insults about nearly all the decisions and laws passed under the leadership of President Obama.

President Obama also stated in his Rolling Stone interview, "You had folks like Hearst who used their newspapers very intentionally to promote their viewpoints. I think Fox is part of that tradition – it is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view. A point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world.” I could not agree with President Obama more. In fact, Alberts article, along with the views expressed on Fox News, are proof of that “destruction” that continuously fuels the divide amongst a people who claim to desire “unity.”

Since when did journalism and reporting the news become so opinionated? Has everything in America become so either or that we are now partitioned to select particular news broadcasts based on its political views? It’s the news and Alberts job, as well as the journalist and reporters on Fox news have an obligation to report just that, the news. Their jobs are not to taint or sway citizens of this country to feel or think a certain way, that is why we have campaigning. This is a crucial time in our country where our economy is in a recession, we are dealing with an unwarranted war in Afghanistan, nuclear weapons have been found in Iran, Russia and China are becoming the new economic powers and Alberts, Fox News and their cohorts find it more important to tear down a president who inherited a mess and is doing his best to clean it up. When a media outlet goes beyond reporting the news to trying to convince its viewers to feel and think a particular way, then yes, it is indeed destructive to a nation that is already divided.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Women's Rights or Wrongs?

With the introduction of the Women’s Rights Act of 1964 women have eagerly awaited their opportunity at equality with their male counterparts, however women still face the ongoing battle of receiving the same treatment as men when partaking the same careers.

The case of Ines Sainz has struck the country by storm. Sainz has filed a harassment suit against the New York Jets franchise, claiming she was discriminated against after entering into the men’s locker room to interview one of the Jets players.

Whistling, crude language and cat calls, were tossed in her direction during her time in the locker room, clearly being one situation in which one of the rights women fought so hard for, the same career opportunities as men, was not considered.

Read the full article about the Ines Sainz harassment claim on the CBS Website. Do you feel as though it is only appropriate for reporters to interview sports players of the same sex, especially in locker rooms, or do you feel that this was a clear case of harassment in Sainz defense?