Seriously, enough is enough!
Since when are candidates apprehensive to scream what they believe in and why can’t they allow the voters to determine if those are beliefs worth backing? Why is the "conventional wisdom" that the single method to acquire votes is to toss more mud at your adversary than they toss at you?
Because of the manner in which candidates campaign nowadays, it is much harder, if not implausible to establish beneficial reasons to vote FOR somebody. Because of the manner in which they campaign, one cannot help but sense that they are voting for the lesser of the evils scrambling for each position.
Here’s the commercial scene lately… “The television screen fades up from black. The picture of the candidate opposing the commercial's sponsor slowly materializes as a timeline starts to crawl across her face from left to right and a sinister voice says: "Tweedle Dee. Her history of corruption started in kindergarten when she stole stickers from Peppermint Patty. Next came middle school and a trip to the principal's office for her part in bleaching Betty Boop’s gym shorts. Onto high school where she served in-school suspension for engaging in 'Senior Skip Day' and finally, the most shocking of all: a 'D' in college bowling. Is that really who you want representing you, America? Tweedle Dee, wrong for all the right reasons. This ad paid for by Tweedle Dum."
I am not here to advocate on behalf of a certain candidate or party. It is up to every voter to become as informed as possible and confidently select the candidate or issues we feel are right, just and the best option. Communities are only as strong as their leaders, workforce and school systems and it is important to have elected officials who will advocate for the less fortunate and the underprivileged and to instill and enact standards of safety, security, morality, humanity and societal betterment overall. If people running for an office have made it their lot in life to build themselves up by shamelessly and underhandedly ripping someone else down, how much integrity do they really have and how would that effect the people for which you are campaigning to govern?
Alright candidates, listen up, this is the 21st century and many of us out here actually have working brains. How about telling us, in those precious 30 seconds, what you stand for why you think you should be elected or re-elected? Why should we vote for you? What is the greatest thing about you? How can you drive the economy and generate jobs? What new concepts do you have to offer and how would you plan to serve with the contending party for the benefit of our people? If you are an incumbent, what have you accomplished throughout your tenure? How did you contribute to advance us forward? What was your justification for the way you voted on various legislation? Can't do this in a short television ad? Maybe not, but it would be an excellent attempt to try to say something that had any type of meaning.
Here’s the truth, many voters, like myself, are thankful for TiVo and DVRs, because as you spend all that money showing tired ads over and over again it is being fast forwarded through, every time. Try generating reasons of why you SHOULD get my vote.
My name is Anita Wyndham and I approved this message!